Sheila Connellan

Sheila Connellan

Sheila has worked in the NHS for the last 27 years having taken early retirement from the Overseas Division of the Prudential where she had been involved in underwriting and claims settlement for 26 years. During this time, she was involved in settling such high-profile claims as Piper Alpha, and she handled thousands of claims for UK visitors who had purchased Prudential travel cover in their home countries. She left when they closed their overseas activities but hoped to transfer many of the skills learnt to a new role.

She was appointed as Practice Manager of Docklands Medical, in 1993 and was instrumental in the Practice’s progression through doubling its list size, Fundholding and the rapid escalation of computerisation in medical record keeping. During this time Sheila was often called upon by the local health authority to provide support to other practices.

She welcomed the involvement of the Hurley Clinic Partnership in 2007 and has since taken up a role as Business Manager with responsibility for all the Group’s legal and insurance matters. Sheila leads on complaints and acts as the CQC Registered Manager for all the Group’s locations and she has already participated in 41 CQC inspections since 2013. She now sees her primary role as working with her colleagues to ensure premises, equipment, and operational issues run smoothly.

When not working Sheila is a very social animal, loving the theatre, quizzes and devoting time to support various charities.